
Main Office:

6750 N. Andrews Avenue, Ste 200-2081 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309

Hours of Operation

M-F 10:00am -5:30pm By Appointment Only









Family Visas

Fort Lauderdale, Miami, West Palm Beach, Florida, Probate Law Attorney

Striving for excellence

During an initial consultation, we will clearly explain the family visa process and how we can help.

Many law firms offer a free consultation, but will not really tell you much about your case and whether or not you really need the services of a lawyer. We believe that this is a dishonest approach. For an initial $150 per hour fee, we will provide a full consultation, with clear answers and an honest appraisal of whether a lawyer can help you. You will not leave our office with unanswered questions about your case and you will know exactly what to do next, whether you decide to hire us or not.

International Orphan Adoption

Contact us to learn more about the ways in which we can help you find solutions to your family visa needs or provide deportation defense. We want to help you bring your family together.